
Control creation and lifespan of temporary files and directories in unit tests

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A small Java library to control creation and lifespan of temporary files and directories in unit tests.

The problem

When running file related unit tests one might be sometimes interested in the created files but not always. How can that be switched on and off without modifying the test source?

The solution

This little library allows you to do that. It consists of only one class extending junit.framework.TestCase by a manager for temporary files and reads a configuration file describing where to place them and how long to let them live.

How to use it

As one might have already guessed it must be added to the classpath. Create a file named $HOME/.config/de.kandid/general.properties with two keys in it:

Property Description Default
de.kandid.junit.tmp.dir the location where to create all temporary files and and directories build/tmp/unittest
de.kandid.junit.tmp.dir.remove a TestCase.TmpDirDeletePolicy as a String controlling when to delete the files created for this TestCase passed

Building the kandidlib-junit.jar

This library uses the Gradle-1.10 or later build system. Since I refuse to add the wrapper to the source code, you need to have it installed. Then

gradle jar

produces the jar.

Improving kandidlib-junit

Of course any IDE may be used to work on kandidlib-emitter but support for gradle makes it more convenient.